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Bring Back that 90's Vibe

Updated: Sep 5, 2019

Hey! How are you? I see you came back. I knew you would and I won't lie, I am glad you actually did. I am in Java enjoying some Double Caramel Macchiato ( I can't of course go for the Triple, my pockets for some reason have always said "No") plus I'm helping myself to some free WiFi which is actually the main thing that brought me here. If you read my first blog post my unending love for coffee should not come as a surprise to you. Nyambura, which just so you know in Luo means cat, has just shared the password with me. She knows me, at least by face, as she coincidentally happens to be the one serving me every time I come here [Ding! Ding! Ding! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? (Insert Wink Emoji )].

I have always liked the aesthetics that Java uses in all its coffee shops. An aesthetic that's somehow stuck in the 90's and yet it gives of some modern vibes but it's the 90's part of it that really catches my attention. Please do not mistake my liking to the nineties vibe for old age. It's just that things were different then and some of the things people did in the 90's were still being done the same way in to the early 2000's. I know millennials totally relate. The experiences boys got when they played chobo-ua or kati (for the girls) are not the same experiences kids these days get when they glue their eyes to screens holding their game pads or playing with dolls. Cha baba and Cha mama doesn't feel like Cha baba and Cha mama any more. Back then when it was a bike riding season, as games were somehow played in seasons, everyone jumped onto their bicycles and did no other activities but ride bicycles. Even those who didn't own bicycles had Santa miraculously grant them bicycle wishes. When it came to fashion, almost everyone was a fashion statement and no one ever knew fashion would evolve to what it has become now. Well at least my 5 year old brain didn't for once ever think that I would outgrow my Bolo outfit. I know you're wondering where I'm going with this. Well, recently I got an Instagram notification. You know those ones where so and so followed you back. It's only that this time round it wasn't a stalker, it was a clothing brand and real quick I clicked on the notification and their feed left me feeling nostalgic. 90s element had me developing some material romance with them. They basically are a clothing brand that is inspired by the 90's. It began as an indoor kind of local business but only recently opted to go bigger.

I am not much of a brag-addict but I would not deprive you of crude detail where I find it necessary. The work that they are doing is literally a bouquet of flowers.

The clothes you get from them are not the normal mtumba clothes you thrift from Selekta (she, for the record, happens to be the thrift seller I get some of my clothes from). Wueeh! Heshima tafadhali. Their merchandise have some sense of timelessness which by now you know is one of the things I value when choosing my clothes. And here is the other truth, every piece of fabric they deal with, every paint they use is uniquely picked and used. You look at this

Have I mentioned they deal with hoodies and socks.

They also deal with tees.

They even give you an option of deciding whether you'd like to wear it without adding anything on to it or layer it with a denim jacket. It's entirely up to you.

I know your eyes couldn't help but notice the gunia but that should not be our main focus right now. It's the jacket that I want you to look at, tsk. Mkenya ni Mkenya tu! -Kenyan Proverb. Here's how the jacket looks from behind...

There is also something I haven't told you, they recently had a give away going on. So go follow them right away so that you don't miss out on the next one.

Also, with such shirts, no patterns are alike and isn't that what we all want. Some sense of uniqueness . You know what, my coffee is getting cold and Nyambura might start getting wrong signals because I have been looking at her every time she passes by my table, she doesn't know about my Womanz (Womanz must already be familiar to you if you read my previous post, which I really thank you for). You click here , slide into those dms and make inquiries. I can't thank you enough for stopping by. Oh! and share this with baba watoto if by any chance you are a female reader, it's sexy you know...

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